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Online Couples Therapy Services in Massachusetts

You May Have Arrived Here if…

  • You and your partner constantly interrupt one another, raise your voices, use inappropriate language, freeze in the moment and are not able to communicate your needs, walk away during a disagreement, and more.

  • You and your partner experience a lack of trust, not being able to hear each other’s point of view, a lack of respect, feeling lonely in the relationship, unmet needs, not taking accountability for your own actions, and more.

  • You and your partner experience worries about your financial situation that put extra stress on your relationship.

  • You and your partner experience a loss of connection and intimacy (e.g. emotional, physical, sexual, intellectual, or spiritual).

  • You and your partner experience resentment and a loss of feelings in your relationship.

  • You and your partner experience a great deal of conflict.

  • You and your partner are not able to see eye to eye after having a baby.

  • Your parenting styles are different.

I am glad that you are here. Continue reading to see if my couple’s issues services might help you.

Couple holding hands during couples therapy session with professional therapist

Your Relationship Now

You may be coping with all of these struggles by avoiding them altogether, which now weighs so heavily on you and your partner.

You may be dealing with your difficulties by trying to communicate with your partner, but often fall into silence, avoidance, defensiveness, negative thoughts towards your partner and the situation, yelling and screaming to have your point heard, and others.

All of this leads to built-up tension and resentment in your relationship. You criticize each other. You look down on each other. You don’t feel emotionally close. You might even be thinking about separation.

Do you ever feel so lonely in your relationship that you often wonder if this is going to get better? Do you ever feel as if you are the only one in your relationship who is trying to make changes to improve it? Do you often dwell on the same stuff over and over again? Do you often feel misunderstood or even invalidated by your partner?

There Are so Many Different Relationship Issues

They often range from simple misunderstandings, to arguments over differences in values or parenting style. They can be a lack of intimacy, a lack of connection, a feeling of being roommates with one another instead of romantic partners, or experiencing infidelity.

Unfortunately, nobody teaches us how to improve our relationship. We grow up creating our own fairytales. We base these fairytales on the relationships that we saw in our familes, our friends, television, social media, books, etc.

Expectation vs Reality

We grow up having certain expectations - or a lack of them - for romantic relationships. This often impacts the way we deal with differences between ourselves and partners.

We grow up not knowing how to argue and set healthy boundaries in a respectful, loving, yet firm way. Instead, we continue reacting automatically, in an immature and often destructive way.

This often leads us to feeling alone, hurt, neglected, abandoned, invalidated, angry, etc. These automatic responses are our adaptations to negative events or traumas from our past. We all bring these automatic responses into our relationships. They are immature and unhelpful, but their role is to protect us, even when we are actually safe.

Couples Therapy Can Help You Be a Better Partner!

In couples therapy, I teach partners about their cycles of communication and behavior that they often feel stuck in. However, most importantly, I guide each partner through a journey of becoming an expert at knowing themself first, and then an expert at knowing their partner.

They become experts at understanding their own triggers. They learn ways to manage them in a healthy manner so that their unhelpful automatic reaction to those triggers stops affecting their relationship negatively.

I work with each partner at healing their trauma in the presence of the other partner, which opens up their beautiful hearts and allows them to feel true compassion towards each other.

Couples Counseling Can Be Very Scary

I hear you! It is difficult to bring your relationship issues to the surface, especially in front of a stranger. It is very hard to admit that your relationship is not in a good place.

This often brings a whole lot of emotions and thoughts:
“Can we really do this?”
”Can he change?”
”Can we make things feel good again?”

The answer is yes, as long as you make the decision that this is no longer working for you!

If you are ready to take the next step to improve your relationship, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation to see if we are a good fit. I invite you to email or call me.

Get in Touch to Begin your Healing Journey!